Broadband news – Take-up and TPG Plan B or C?
The nbn has been reporting some good news. But, there are things it should be reporting which may not show good news. Also, TPG is about to launch its Plan B (wireless broadband) which will entail worse news for nbn than TPG’s Plan A (FTTB).
For more, open Economuse 2016-02-16
Will the TPG-iiNet merger kill competition?
If iiNet’s shareholders accept the TPG offer and the ACCC approves this take-over (neither of which is certain), the prospect of vigorous retail competition in the fixed network is dim. The extent of price competition currently is debateable and increased industry concentration is irrefutable.
To read this column, click Economuse 2015-04-01
The next column will examine how the competitive process can still be strengthened, with or without this merger.