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John de Ridder is recognized locally and internationally as an experienced telecommunications economist. Since leaving Telstra in 2002, he has worked locally for private corporations (see Private Clients), regulators and governments (see Government Clients). Sometimes, this work is performed as a sub-contractor to a larger consultant (eg GQI Consulting , NERA and LECG).


John’s eighteen year career at Telstra included stints as Chief Economist, Pricing Manager and Director Strategic Studies. These roles put him at the cutting edge of developments such as universal service costing and the evolution of competition and regulation. John writes the “Economuse” column for the weekly on-line “CommsWire” newsletter and for the Telecommunications Journal of Australia.


Before joining Telstra, John held various positions in Australia and the UK. In Australia he worked as an economist for ICI and as the research manager for IBIS Consulting. In London he worked for Shell International as an economist and for DRI-McGraw Hill as a macro-economic forecaster and in sales.

“I have worked with John on a number of projects for both Australian and overseas clients. At all times I have found John’s expertise and dedication to the subject at hand has exceeded my expectations and it has been a pleasure to work together” – Cliff Gibson, Director, Gibson-Quai-AAS


“John brings to his clients expertise, diligence and a lifetime’s experience of working in telecommunications economics and regulation. infoDev was delighted to work with him in updating the ICT Regulation Toolkit.” -Dr Tim Kelly, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, infoDev/World Bank


“John was Chief Economist at Telstra and is now one of the foremost consultants on the economics around broadband and other telecom initiatives. We have worked together on several projects and he always does a good job.” – John Hibbard, CEO Hibbard Consulting and former President of the Pacific Telecommunications Council


“I have had the pleasure of working with John who I find very competent and diligent” – David Diprose, GM Technology, ihug (Vodafone’s ISP in New Zealand)