CVCs – Is pricing crippling the NBN?
This week, Bill Morrow announced another tweak to CVC pricing which seems to imply a $1.75 cut in the current $17.50/Mbps CVC price as early as July. But even with this and tiered discounts (for which an implementation date has yet to be announced), CVC costs per end user are going to be double what the sector is looking for.
In the PC world we have seen that bigger chips and improved performance have been closely followed by more sophisticated software that eats up the new capacity. But, we have a chicken and egg situation with the NBN. We know that users are not prepared to pay for speed. Users will not need more speed until the applications require them. And the applications will not arrive until users have the speeds to use them.
We can cut through this impasse and unleash innovation if nbn™ Co. turns on speed with just one or two AVCs (say, up to 100 Mbps and unlimited). It would catapult Australia to the top of global speed ratings. More importantly, Australia would become the global lab for developers looking for ubiquitous, true broadband.
For more details, read Economuse 2016-04 and (same day) COMMUNICATIONS DAY-7-4-2016
A shaky start for USO levy study
This column highlights some of the issues raised in my submission published last week.
To read it, click Economuse 2015-06-01
Last chance to reform NBN pricing?
In the previous column, I argued that the TPG-iiNet merger would cause an alarming increase in industry concentration and less price competition. But with or without this merger the competitive process can still be strengthened with a few changes that will shore-up both competition and NBN Co.
To read how, click Economuse 2015-04-02
Will the TPG-iiNet merger kill competition?
If iiNet’s shareholders accept the TPG offer and the ACCC approves this take-over (neither of which is certain), the prospect of vigorous retail competition in the fixed network is dim. The extent of price competition currently is debateable and increased industry concentration is irrefutable.
To read this column, click Economuse 2015-04-01
The next column will examine how the competitive process can still be strengthened, with or without this merger.
Who should we fear most – Telstra or NBN Co.?
Two current consultations by the ACCC show a marked difference in the regulator’s treatment of the legacy (Telstra) access network and its treatment of the new broadband network being built by NBN Co.
Both Telstra and NBN Co. are subject to the building block method for calculating allowable revenues (wholesale only in the case of NBN Co.). But in application, the ACCC continues to hammer Telstra while mollycoddling NBN Co.
The ACCC hopes that keeping Telstra’s access prices low will be good for competition and end users. It may be wrong (see reference in the attached to “price competition has stalled”) and it is short sighted. The real issue is the long term affordability of broadband which has been compromised by the regulator’s unusual assent to deferred revenue increases at NBN Co.
The article can be found by clicking Economuse 2015-03-12