Asset valuation for access pricing
The valuation of assets is probably the most important decision regulators will face for a network business dominated by fixed costs because depreciation and the return to capital derived from this valuation will account for well over half of total costs.
In some recent work for Fiji, there was some debate about whether assets should be based on ‘actual’ or ‘replacement’ costs. As the following report shows, my view is that both theory and practice support the use of replacement costs. Asset valuation-revised-1
Pricing in Abundance
There Is not much more that I can say about Australian National Broadband Network (NBN) pricing. But recently I had the good fortune to apply the principles of traffic pricing – which I have been urging for the NBN since 2009 – to the new submarine cable for the Solomon Islands. It provides an example of why pricing for abundance is better than pricing to reflect, or worse, to create scarcity. Economuse 2020-02-12
2019 Review of retail broadband pricing
This is probably the last review using the method developed and used since 2008. More importantly, retail and NBN pricing are pulling in different directions. While I have a lot of issues with CVCs, abolishing them is not the answer.
2018 Review of Retail Broadband Prices
The review of September 2018 prices shows that there has not been much movement on the major issues identified with retail broadband prices:
1. Lack of affordable entry-level prices – this is still an issue despite the new NBN Entry Level Bundle; but too recent to be reflected in the results discussed here.
2. Poor take-up of high speeds – slightly better thanks to new High Capacity Bundles.
3. Increasing pressure on ISP margins due to CVC pricing (leading to under-provisioning) – still true, with full impacts felt when the migration to NBN ends.
4. The growing threat (to the NBN) of increasingly competitive mobile broadband – no change.
More details at Economuse 2018-10-04
NBN – more convoluted pricing
On 18th September, the NBN published details of its much anticipated “discounted” Entry Level Bundle (ELB). It is very disappointing. It does not provide an affordable entry-level plan; which will make its job of holding users in the migration from copper services more difficult. see Economuse 2018-09-21