
Mob: 0409 804 278



Competition, technology and regulation are continually re-shaping the telecommunications business. These changes pose new issues for regulation and create threats and opportunities for business that can have enormous and long-lasting impacts on shareholder value.

John de Ridder is an internationally recognised telecommunications economist with pricing expertise and over 30 years practical experience in dealing with competition and regulation; the last 12 years as an independent consultant.

With John, your organisation will be able to improve :

  • strategic focus (eg managing transition from switched to IP interconnection, moving to different business models, business cases and exploring implications of industry changes)
  • pricing at both retail and wholesale level for both fixed and mobile networks (eg competitive pricing, price regulation pricing for shareholder value)
  • regulatory focus (policy advice, drafting submissions etc); recently updating and re-writing Module 2 (Competition and Pricing) of the InfoDev/ITU ICT Regulatory Toolkit



John also represents the Strategic Networks Group in Australia. SNG is a Canadian consultancy which helps clients leverage high-speed broadband networks for economic and social benefits through gap analysis and benchmarking of the deployment of infrastructure and e-solutions.


The latest public papers and comments are shown in the left margin. Earlier material can be found under the Publications tab or accessed from the links in the following pages.